- Designer
- J.M.
- Date
- March 2, 2006
- Likes
- 0
- Downloads
- 10,138
- Views
- 15,442
Designer Notes
This template has a nature/frogs theme and was just a practise for me, to learn XHTML and CSS better. It can still be improved, if you have any tips/comments/etc. please contact me.
Design Comments
Oct 2006
02:32am PDT
Comments 3
Ialsothink this site is great and I will send you the link when I get it up and running
I think this site is wonderful. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I have just begun building a new website and am looking for a design, I am very into this one. Are you still working on it, making any more changes to it? I have an on-line gift shop sort of store, let me know what you think of using this as an ecommerce based template. Reach me at My name is Rebecca Jones