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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
- Here is a good introduction to object-oriented PHP. On a related note, I have a theory as to why no one wants PHP programmers these days (see your local classifieds for 3,000 .NET jobs). Programmer: Sir, I really think we should use PHP. It's powerful, proven and free. Boss: Does Microsoft make it? Programmer: Well, not exac... Boss: ...annnnd you're fired. skettino
- Use CSS pseudo-classes to trigger Javascript events with event:selectors. dangerouslyawesome
- Sleight hacks support for transparent PNG images into IE5.5+ using a simple Javascript include. Here is a demo and here is where you can download it. skettino
- Dear Santa, I'm writing to you nine months ahead of time so that you can procure this beautifully designed piece of equipment for me. PS: Make that two, please. skettino
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
- Software from Apple called Boot Camp will allow you to install Windows XP on your Intel-based Mac. In other news, Apple's store crashed today due to five bajillion people trying to buy MacBook Pros simultaneously. skettino
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Friday, April 7, 2006
- Use dafont.com if you're looking for a well organized collection of free fonts. skettino
Monday, April 10, 2006
- AjaxLoad allows you to generate an animated Ajax loading image with your choice of foreground and background color. skettino
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
- How to design a better pancake. I know it's a bit offtopic, but who doesn't like pancakes? skettino
Friday, April 14, 2006
- Instead of buying out one of the many AJAX calendar apps, Google decided to make their own calendar. I would hate to be the founder of kiko right now. skettino
- Looking for a good free FTP client? in my humble opinion, SmartFTP is the way to go. acousticsam
Monday, April 17, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
- A USB key that gets fatter as you put more data on it. Just a concept, but I would definitely buy one if it existed. skettino